About Us

Heather and Les Reynard
Heather and Les Reynard
Heather and Les Reynard

Reynard Agencies started as Managing Agents in 1984 when the founder, Les Reynard, took over the management of the complex he was living in- we are still managing this complex today. This year, the company, with 15 employees, are managing 80+ Bodies Corporate.

Believing that owners of Sectional Title properties needed to be educated about Sectional Title Les joined the Sectional Title Association of Port Elizabeth in 1985 and has been a committee member ever since. The Association have regular educational seminars with an end to educating owners of Sectional Title properties. These seminars are mostly attended by Body Corporate Trustees.

Les has had over 50 articles published in the local newspapers on Sectional Title and Sectional Title Living.

In 2005, the National Association of Managing Agents, to which Reynard Agencies are members, were invited by our counter parts in Australia to attend their annual conference held in a town called Gold Coast (south of Brisbane). Les was the only Managing Agent from the Eastern Cape to attend.

This was a tremendous learning experience to see first-hand how Managing Agents in a first world country operate.

In 2006, Les was among the first batch of students who wrote the University of Cape Town Certificate in Sectional Titles Scheme Management (developed by ST Attorney Prof. Graham Paddock).

Heather, Les’ wife, has been with the business since 1985. In June 2023, they will celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary.

Les and Heather have two daughters and one granddaughter. Their eldest daughter, Hilda, has been working in the industry for 17 years.

Hilda has worked at Reynard Agencies for a total of 14 years with her other years spent at a big well-established Johannesburg Property Management company dealing with rentals, commercial, debt collection, Sectional Title as well as wholly owned buildings.

She has also worked as a Debt Collector for Attorneys.

Les Reynard has been semi-retired for the last 5 years with Hilda taking on most of the reigns as CEO.

This year, Les has decided to retire completely, after 38 years, with Hilda taking over from her father as Director of Reynard Agencies (Pty) Ltd.

Heather, also Director, will continue with the company for a few more months, until she too will retire after 37 years.

As a small family, the only Reynard’s in South Africa, we have always been a strong, supportive, caring team and will continue to offer the best “Reynard” service, support and care as the company reigns continue through the family name.

A capable and committed next generation is the most important legacy a family business can have.

About Us

Reynard Agencies started as Managing Agents in 1984 when the founder, Les Reynard, took over the management of the complex he was living in- we are still managing this complex today.

This year, the company, with 15 employees, are managing 80+ Bodies Corporate.

Contact Info

041 365 2529


73 Worraker
St Newton Park
Port Elizabeth