Heaher and Les Reynard

Hilda Reynard, Les’s eldest daughter, is acting Director of Reynard Agencies, with her mother, Heather Reynard.

We currently have 15 employees which include:

Community Scheme Professional Managers

Operations Manager


Finance Manager

Insurance Services

Admin Assistant

This is a family owned and operated business with a real dynamic and strong team.

Behind the success of every small business, there is a family.

- Unknown.

About Us

Reynard Agencies started as Managing Agents in 1984 when the founder, Les Reynard, took over the management of the complex he was living in- we are still managing this complex today.

This year, the company, with 15 employees, are managing 80+ Bodies Corporate.

Contact Info

041 365 2529


73 Worraker
St Newton Park
Port Elizabeth